Advertise with us

Corporate Profile Rates;


Corporate profile Half page – 100 to 200 words plus 2 high resolution  images and logo R 4,000


Corporate Profile Full page  – 400 words plus 2 high resolution  images and logo R 7,000


Corporate Profile Double page – 800 words plus 4 high resolution  images and logo R 10,500

Corporate Video                                                                                 


RESOLUTION: All color and grayscale photos: 300 dpi or better (save all color art in CMYK mode)

BLACK AND WHITE ART: 1200dpi or better

INK COVERAGE: Maximum coverage 320%

RICH BLACK: Avoid rich black in small text (under 15pt.)

SPOT COLORS: No spot colours (pantone) should be used.


Top banner: 728px (width) x 90px US $ 200

Medium Rectangle 300 (W)X300 (H) US$ 100

Large Rectangle: 336(W)x280(H) US$ 150

Big Rectangle 970(W)x90(H) US$ 250

Mini 468X60 USD 100 , Bottom 728X90 US$ 100


Ad Size            Measurements   Height x Width   Bleed

Double Page      297x420mm                            3MM

Front and Back cover plus editorial 3MM

Full Page (A4)     297x210mm                                3MM

Half Page               210x148mm                             3MM

Third Page             210x100mm                               3MM

Quarter Page           91x135mm

Strip                            185x65mm


Essential Corporate Profile;

High Visibility 4 page Package ;

 Front cover

Back cover

Double page corporate profile /Editorial

banner advert

Company Logo and editorial to be featured on First Africa Guide Website and on Facebook.

 Full page + Double page corporate profile

  • 1 X Full page advert plus double page corporate profile
  • 1 X  Editorial piece of about 800 words plus 4 high resolution  images and logo
  • Company Logo and editorial to be featured on First Africa Guide Website and on Facebook.

 Half page + Full Page Corporate Profile

  • 1 X half page advert plus  page corporate profile
  • 1 X  Editorial piece of about 400 words plus 2 high resolution  images and logo
  • Company Logo and editorial to be featured on First Africa Guide Website and on Facebook.

Third Page + Half page Corporate Profile

  • 1 X Third page advert plus  half page corporate profile
  • 1 X  Editorial piece of about 200 words plus 2 high resolution  images and logo
  • Company Logo and editorial to be featured on First Africa Guide  Website and on Facebook.

To receive a copy / soft copy kindly email

For any advert space booked, entitles you for a free skyscraper banner advert on website that will be directly linked to your website, plus option to provide us with corporate videos to be uploaded on our website for 12 months.